NOTE: We will now be using the Tahir Academy Syllabus so please do not buy National Syllabus from the bookstore
DATE: Friday, November 17, 2023
TIME: 06:30 PM – 08:30 PM
PLACE: Baitul Ehsan Mosque, Windsor
Academy Dates 2023 – 2024
2023 Dates |
November 18, 2023 |
December 3, 2023 |
December 17, 2023 |
2024 Dates |
January 14, 2024 |
January 28, 2024 |
February 4, 2024 |
February 25, 2024 |
March 3, 2024 |
March 24, 2024 |
April 7, 2024 |
April 21, 2024 |
May 5, 2024 |
May 26, 2024 |
June 2, 2024 |
June 16, 2024 |
COVID – 19
The health and safety of students, staff members and their families continue to be our top priority. Nasir Academy Windsor will continue to follow the guidance and direction of the Government of Ontario and Simcoe County Public Health, and share information with families as it becomes available. It is important to note that some information in this package may be subject to change to ensure we adhere to health and safety guidelines.
Allergies/Medical Conditions
There are both staff and students in our school who have life-threatening allergies to nuts and other allergens. If they smell or come into contact with these foods, they may have an anaphylactic reaction. We ask that you do not include nut or nut products in your child’s snacks or lunches. In an effort to ensure student safety, please do not provide ‘treats’ or a class snack to the school to celebrate any occasion.
If your child has a serious or life-threatening allergy or medical condition, let the school know immediately and speak to the school office about completing the appropriate medical forms. Please note that if your child requires an epi-pen, you must provide two for school (one is kept in the office and one is to be with the student at all times)
Health Concerns
● Head lice – this is a recurring problem in school-aged children. When lice are found in the child’s hair, the parent will be contacted. We would ask that you check your child’s head on a regular basis. Please remind your child not to share hats, combs, bike helmets, etc. children who have contracted lice may return to school once they have completed treatment and there are no visible nits.
● Pink eye – this is an infection of the eye caused by bacteria. It is spread by direct contact with the discharge from the affected eyes to another person. The infection causes the eye to turn a pink to red color, with a yellow discharge, which often causes the eyelids to stick together in the morning. A person is contagious during the time the eyes are reddened. Once all redness and sticky discharge disappear, the student may return to school, though the full course of treatment from the doctor must be followed.
● General Illness – Students should remain home if they are vomiting, experiencing diarrhea, running a fever, or have any contagious illnesses, including a cold or flu. If a child is well enough to attend school, we expect him/her to participate in all activities.
● From time to time, we are asked to administer medication to students or to allow students to self-administer medication. In both of these cases, the policy of Nasir Academy Windsor states that a standard permission form must be completed. Any medication sent to school must be in a re-closable container, childproof and labeled with the child’s name, the name of the medication and the dosage
● Students are not permitted to carry medication with them unless the office is made aware of an ongoing emergency medical condition. Please ensure that short-term medication comes to the office immediately so that appropriate forms are filled out
● This does not apply to Epi-pens.
Nasir Academy Windsor at Baitul Ehsan Mosque
1957 Head Ave, Windsor, ON N8W 1V7
Please send all inquiries with your contact information to:
Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students as it ensures the continuity of the program and promotes success in academic and social areas. Late arrival disrupts the lesson, the learning, and the focus of other students. Students are expected to be in class on time and a student is considered late if arriving after 10:30 AM.
** Students will be taken off attendance if they miss three consecutive classes without reason provided to the teacher or office.
Students are expected to demonstrate a behavior that is respectful and courteous at all times to all adults in the building and to their peers. This includes demonstrating respect for each other and our community.
For themselves, students shall:
Learning | Use class time productively and complete all assignments |
Punctuality | Attend school regularly and be on time for all classes |
Appearance | Both Atfal and Nasirat should appear in modest clothes with their Caps/Hats and Dupattas on |
For others, students shall:
Respect | Respect the rights and dignity of students and all adults in the school Do not use “put-downs” or racial/biased/inappropriate statements Use a respectful tone of voice and appropriate language |
Safety | Play and work safely by keeping hands and feet to yourselves Avoid any form of aggressive play |
Honesty | Assume responsibility for your own actions Be honest and tell the truth |
For the environment, students shall:
Property | Respect the property of others and of the school by keeping classrooms and school grounds neat and clean Practice the 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Leave valuables at home. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items |
Cell phones and other personal communication devices must be turned off and kept out of sight during the school day (including recess and lunch breaks), except with clear permission of the classroom teacher or principal. Students who require specific devices such as voice recorders or mobile technology will use such devices as per instructions from the teacher or principal.
Camera and/or video functions on mobile devices are NOT permitted for use on school property without clear permission from the principal or teacher. Infractions will be dealt with as students’ discipline. Remember, PURDAH IS STRICTLY IMPORTANT.
Students are responsible for the care and security of personal devices. The school cannot take responsibility for any damage, loss, or theft.
To support the safe and appropriate use of technology, we encourage parents to consistently review the following points with children:
Safe Use | Be aware that the internet is not anonymous. What is posted on the internet cannot be taken back, ever |
Appropriate Use | Phones and other digital devices are used only under teacher/adult supervision. At school, digital devices are to be kept out of sight during the school day, including at recess Respect the work of others; do not copy others’ words or ideas (plagiarism) Do not text or phone family members during the school hours Inform an adult when technology is used inappropriately or to hurt others |
Ijaz Ahmad sahib | Principal | principal.windsor@nasiracademy.ca |
Vice Principal 1 | viceprincipal1.bramptonwest@nasiracademy.ca | |
Vice Principal 2 | viceprincipal2.bramptonwest@nasiracademy.ca | |
Nazim Atfal Windsor | nazim.windsor@atfal.ca |